Fashion-experts of our online store

Fashion-experts of our online store

Eva Rudakova

Eva Rudakova

Eva Rudakova has been working as a fashion columnist for five years, writing articles about them in popular women's magazines. Eva is the Creator of her own PR Agency. Together with a team of stylists..

19/04/2020 1140

Olga Nikolaevna

Olga Nikolaevna

Olga graduated from the national research University Higher school of Economics (faculty of communications, media and design) in 2011. Experience as a fashion journalist - 10 years...

19/04/2020 1205

Alexandra Larionova

Alexandra Larionova

Alexandra Larionova has a higher special education. She studied costume history and decorative arts. Specializes in Byzantine costume and traditional Russian costume. For 7 years, she has been writing..

18/04/2020 1147

Showing 1 to 4 of 107 (27 Pages)