Дождется ли Ассоль 2020 алых парусов?

The coronavirus, which no one knew about six months ago, changed the policy of States and the usual schedule of ordinary people. It is unknown when it will be possible to return to the usual way of life. The Eurovision song contest 2020 was planned for 2021, and the celebration of the Great victory Day and the passing of the unified state exam were postponed. Students in grades 9 and 11 found themselves in a suspended situation. Will Proms be canceled because of the coronavirus? After all, mass gatherings of people are prohibited. Since the head of the world health organization said that the situation with the pandemic will only get worse in the near future, the prom in 2020 is likely to be banned.

For the first time, graduates found themselves in a situation where one of the main holidays of their life was under threat of disruption. Let's focus more on the psychological moments that will inevitably follow if our modern Cinderellas can't get to their prom.

The anticipation of a holiday is better than the holiday itself
Children and their parents begin to prepare for the prom as the most significant event in school life. And this is not for a week or two, but for six months. Many people ordered a restaurant and cafe, signed a contract with a PR Agency for the celebration, and invited a photographer and cinematographer. But girls always prepare especially carefully for the prom night. For yesterday's Schoolgirls, the prom is an opportunity to appear before classmates, friends at the school Desk, in all the charm of their youth.

Here's what a typical prom preparation checklist looks like:

thoroughly think through your image;
start with the dress – the most pleasant and difficult stage of preparation;
study the recommendations for underwear;
think about jewelry and accessories that effectively complement the image;
buy shoes that match the dress;
consult a specialist about your hair style;
choose your makeup.
And hundreds more pleasant little things, without which there will be no real pre-holiday mood. Long before the appointed date, future graduates begin to flip through fashion magazines, browse websites and prepare for the next evening.

The best dress
In many popular movies, the scene of choosing a dress for the prom is not inferior to the intensity of passions with replicated shots from the famous "Beauty". Where Julia Roberts ' character picks up an entire wardrobe. A whole fashion industry works for school, Lyceum and College graduates: hundreds of tips on choosing the right style of dress from famous experts, fashion dresses this year for graduates, recommendations on choosing a prom dress from stylists. Choosing a prom dress is a special sacred ritual, which can only be compared to the ceremony of choosing the dress of the future bride.

In books, to whet the reader's interest, authors often use the literary technique of "the effect of deceived expectations". The narrative is deliberately arranged so that it is impossible to predict the ending. But the modern Cinderella, whose dress is likely to remain hanging in the closet, feels only growing anxiety and frustration. It will be deprived of a pleasant and touching opportunity to "show itself to the world" in all its glory. And as the main character of the fairy tale that all the girls love, Charles Perrault, said: "It's very unfair not to go to the ball when you've worked so hard." Prom for many is a farewell to childhood and entry into adulthood, where everyone wants to be irresistible.

"Dad, look how much I've grown…»
You can not miss another important moment of the prom. This is a special closeness that occurs on a holiday between parents and children, an opportunity to share the joy of a difficult life stage passed together. Shared dreams, plans, and hopes. Prom is a day that not only graduates, but also their parents prepare for. A lot has been said about the financial side of the event. But we must not forget about the emotional component of this event. Always touching is the solemn part of the prom: yesterday's Chicks have grown up and are about to fly out of the nest. In the wonderful Comedy "What women want", Mel Gibson's character, suddenly endowed with the ability to read women's minds, finds a common language with his daughter at the prom. At a time when she most needed his protection and support. "You are beautiful and you are completely grown up" - these words every graduate wants to hear from her father on this day. For a growing up girl, such moments in life become iconic.

"To the sound of an ageless waltz»
Prom is not just an event where they give out certificates of graduation. This is an event that, without exaggeration, is the Rubicon between childhood and adulthood. These are thoughtful, former teachers, tearful mothers, struggling to hold back the tears of their fathers, and excited classmates. The emotions that I remember at all meetings of former classmates. And for girls, this is the first ball in their new life, the first dance with a cute boy, and perhaps the first adult kiss. These are strong feelings and memories that are carefully carried through the years. And to lose it is actually to lose an important piece of your life. And when the place of an important and significant event in life is empty, a feeling of frustration inevitably arises. No matter how serious the reasons for what is happening, the inability to fulfill their strong desires, as a rule, leads to despair and even depression.

"The girl is crying: the ball has flown away»
Now parents and students are very upset with the possibility of cancellation of graduation ceremonies. Many ordered restaurants and made a prepayment. We made sure that the graduation party was worthy and interesting, agreed on the program with the agencies that organize the holidays. And it is very difficult to return this money, which is invested in costumes, shooting and guest artists.

There is information on the Internet that agencies are developing a completely new product-online Proms. But everyone understands that there is no format that can convey the atmosphere of the evening-online. Some companies offer a prom with an open date: the holiday can be moved to August or even September. There is an option where they offer to celebrate only children, without parents. This holiday does not suit either parents or graduates. Parents are very important people at this event.

The parents themselves are very worried about the situation:

"I am very sorry for the graduates of major cities: Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Moscow. After all, according to tradition, there are luxury holidays. Which everyone will remember for the rest of their lives."

Girls who were preparing for this significant event and have already managed to buy prom dresses, sincerely regret: "At the moment, no one really knows anything. Passed the money, they are in the Bank. The dress has already been bought. We are very upset – we even canceled waltz rehearsals, have already chosen music for the dance, and formed pairs. Of course, our parents reassure us that everything can still change."

"We had to accept that in may this year there will be no last call in the usual format. There will be no ringing of bells, white bows, dancing and songs. Children will leave school as if they never existed. We tried to accept it. But it's hard to accept the idea that there won't be a prom. We all hope for the best."

In the morning sky, tinged with sunlight, flew a small blue ball – their common dream. (E. Gabova, " the fairy tale of the prom»)

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